horrible seller. dominic gambino (bulldog5.9)


New member
Mar 24, 2014
I purchased a competition head off of him on here. Everything was as described (as so I thought). I paid just shy of 3 grand for a head that was supposed to be good (dead wrong). Took the head to grove automotive to jave it resurfaced. he called me yesterday when he finally finished it. Cracked between every valve seat beyond repairable and is also warped 14 thousanths. I tried texting him and pretty much told me he will not do anything. Tried making a claim, but since it been 45 days nothing they can do.
I've never purchased a head so I don't know what goes into it, or how to avoid this, but if this is the same dom gambino from western ny, I haven't heard one good word about him since I first heard of him almost 10 years ago.
I've never purchased a head so I don't know what goes into it, or how to avoid this, but if this is the same dom gambino from western ny, I haven't heard one good word about him since I first heard of him almost 10 years ago.

You heard a good word from me! Haha, I was unsatisfied with a valvebody that I purchased from Joe (Dom's brother) and he made it right with me. I have heard of other people that didn't have as good of luck as me with brothers.

Maybe he'll come around bud. Post up pictures of emails, texts, and shots of the head you purchased to help show everyone your perspective.


You bought a head from N.Y. when Jokerfab is in your state?
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I talked to dom. He sold this head for a friend I guess. We are working it out now. I will keep posted with updates
I purchased the head 2 months ago, correct. Day it came in I took it to the machine shop. They have been backed way up. Finally got around to mine. After cleaning it they called and informed me what was wrong. And to make things clear. I am in no way shape or form bashing brothers diesel.
Alot can happen you are correct. Your more than welcome to call grove automotive. along with several other people, that have trucks in the wisconsin region. that can verify my truck is still in pieces or that I have no involvment with any trucks in the region. Not trying to snap back by no means. But I could agree where your coming from.
This has been dragging on for 2 months now. He agreed to pay me 1400 of the paid amount back, still no money. I have been very patient with the deal and my patience have run out. He claims the customer keeps spending the money. Any input anyone?
If the deal had to do with cf I would. Hate to drag him into something from a different forum. Dom has been ignoring my texts and calls. Hopefully nobody's buys anything from this guy.