I'm a big fan of high hp 6.4's but....


May 1, 2006
this isnt a knock on custom auto, but this graph and # just doesnt make sense... with similar NOS jets and stock everything, i made 708, he made 782 ..i am not competing with him by any means, but this looks fishy. maybe the guys at custom auto can make sense of this, but he's making peak hp at 130mph, about 3600 and the normal peak for a 6.4 is 29-3100 rpm's.... sorry for the link, but there's a lot of good back and forth there that helps make this so funny.

6.4 does 782 on spray!! - Powerstroke Nation
So the guy does a good number once and he thinks he's the man???

Is he related to Lott????
The first time I saw those charts I LOL'ed. Looks just like all those ricer graphs, wound out and impossible #'s.

When did you decide that anything and everything even remotely related to the 6.4 Powerstroke was to be discussed like you were having an argument with a 3yr old in the sandbox over how your toy is so much better than theirs?

Independent of this guy's corrected numbers, with it's own questionable graphs and such, what happened to your ability to suppress your inner punk? Years back you ran rampant like a complete dick, and it seems you suppressed that wonderfully for a number of years, yet it's right back in full swing again now.

Class? Figure out where you lost it and get it back.

Lately it seems like you could be nearly asleep, and if you heard something.... something. yada yada something 6.4..... you would SNAP to attention and demand to know what was being said. Somebody say 6.4???

The guy pulled 70 something more hp than you on another dyno, with a correction factor in place? 70hp when you're at 700+ is a joke. That's a mood swing. Even though I've never seen it, depending on where he's at, a CF of 10% would do it. And I've seen graphs with higher correction factors than that in the past. Ft Collins ring a bell?

It's really just another reason to run uncorrected and ONLY uncorrected. And for purely comparative purposes, a 248c does wonders for eliminating this type of bs problem.
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that truck was at a sled pull we had around here i think 3 or 4 weeks ago. the kid is a tool. when we were there i heard he was telling people that he was making 700 on FUEL only with the stock chargers. needless to say there was a few people laughing. oh, and he didnt pull worth a s**t either.
I want to race him, I always see him tearing down the road in Rexburg.
Sounds like Pops gave the kid a bunch of money and he has no idea what to do with it...
That graph looks like he hit the nitrous too late causing the peak HP to be higher.. if that's what happened than had he hit it sooner in the run it would have made a peak # lower in the RPM range and it probably would have been higher than the peak he made..

i've done that with my dmax years ago trying to figure out when to hit the juice...

just speculation thoooooo

this isnt a knock on custom auto, but this graph and # just doesnt make sense... with similar NOS jets and stock everything, i made 708, he made 782 ..i am not competing with him by any means, but this looks fishy. maybe the guys at custom auto can make sense of this, but he's making peak hp at 130mph, about 3600 and the normal peak for a 6.4 is 29-3100 rpm's.... sorry for the link, but there's a lot of good back and forth there that helps make this so funny.

6.4 does 782 on spray!! - Powerstroke Nation
Let me be clear...problems you have with other sites will NOT be hashed out here. There's a stuck thread in Pit Chat about it if you need a refresher course.
Read that twice Chuck...be damned sure you understand it.
Let me be clear...problems you have with other sites will NOT be hashed out here. There's a stuck thread in Pit Chat about it if you need a refresher course.
Read that twice Chuck...be damned sure you understand it.

Maybe you should go ahead and delete the link then. I was discussing the OP. I merely used another site for reference to posts relevant to the subject. Precisely as is being done via the link in the first post of this thread. To the exact same website no less.
No...you were trying to prove you are right once again and finish an arguement you were involved in elsewhere.
This ain't there.
If you wanna finish that fight take it to PMs
No...you were trying to prove you are right once again and finish an arguement you were involved in elsewhere.
This ain't there.
If you wanna finish that fight take it to PMs

Key takeaway:

When discussing an individual's tendency to act a particular way, do not provide examples of such previous action when those examples happen to be sourced from another website. The relevance and clarity that may or may not have been shown there is completely irrelevant, as that evidence will not be heard here, and will the members of the forum please disregard the previous posts.

So, as Rich has adamantly stated, Objection..... Sustained!

Any more and I will surely be held in contempt.
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If i remember right he was in the 6**'s on Industrials dyno , assuming we are discussing the same guy anyway ? Kinda sounds like it to me from the BS the guy talked about when we spoke :hehe:
No contempt Chuck...just wanna make sure you know that the crap you may have gotten away with elsewhere won't fly here.

Now...back on topic which is the validity of this particular dyno pull.