ITPA 2.6 & 2.8 Classes at GreenCastle IN Sat.


New member
Mar 9, 2007
THe ITPA will kick off the season at Greencastle IN on Saturday the 13th which is this weekend. This is usually a huge pull with a great crowd. This will be the first sanctioned 2.6 class pull and it needs to be a big hit. You will need all the safety equip in the rules which can be found at "". The track is always great and the crowd is one of the biggest so get your trucks ready and come out to play.

We have picked up WickedDiesels as a sponsor and I think we can pick up many more with the right turn out.

I hope everyone comes out and enjoys the evening.

A ITPA membership is needed but can be paid a little at a time if needed.
This is probably the toughest 2.8 diesel class anywhere in the nation.
Is this ITPA only or will there be local classes.