Little audio teaching please...

I like the Bluetooth. It does take just a second but I didn't even run my USB out. I didn't wanna mess with the cord.

I had a USB in it. If your deck has a rear USB port, get a 3 foot cord and run it down behind the dash and have it come out in the ash tray. I'd just open the ash tray and plug my music drive into it and close it. No cords and no one sees it and wants to steal your drive. $.02
I thought about it... The cord is actually behind the radio at the moment in the dash. But I would have to plug my phone in every time and I hate that. I don't own a drive big enough for all my tunes so I just use the Bluetooth lol. I don't know whether that is lazy or tight. Plus I can use my iPhone and just go straight to my song of choice real easy like.

This radio also has a mic and stuff for it. Makes the iPhone virtually touch free. You can make calls, receive them, yada yada but I didn't hook the mic up either.
O, I see. I feel your pain now. I was just using the USB for music since the flippy fone don't have enough memory to upload two full songs to it. LOL

I sure like the UConnect in the new truck. :poke: LOL
Yea I still may run the cord honestly. I don't know. It's just very easy and pain free lol

I also like the bed on this truck :poke:
i'll throw a pic of mine up, its a sony that the face flips down and a tray comes out with a usb on it. It has an adapter so i can use my iphone. Slide the tray back in and click the face back in place and nobody knows :)
Don't you come in here with your tales of eldorado! Lol