MBRP Dual Muffler Delete Pipe


Smooth Is Fast
May 21, 2006
I am trying to figure out a way that I can fabricate a delet pipe for for duals. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this? I was thinking of trying to find a muffler for the duals and cut off the Y and weld it to a regular muffler delete pipe.
It sounds like a good idea, give Josh at Grand Rock, a site sponsor, a call, here is their site. I bet they can hook you up.

Hmmm....wonder how much they are going to want for that!! I would love to get one.
Well, i just received the September issue of the DieselPower and on page 42 is a delete pipe for the dual system made by Silverline. I e-mailed Silverline since it is not on their website so I'll let you know what they say. I will also call MBRP to see what they say about their delete pipe and also let you know what they say. Thanks for the link, I looked all over their site and obviously missed it.
Well, I just ordered the Silverline delete pipe because the MBRP is not due out until the end of this month and they have no price on it yet. I paid $80.00 for the Silverline
how do you tihnk this will sound compared to a single straight pipe? Do you tihnk it will sound better?
I have not heard a single straight piped, but I can tell you that the duals straight piped is louder. I love it, but now I am fighting the battle all over again of trying to get the tips adjusted to where I want them. The turbo whistle is probably almost double of what it was. It's hard to describe but if you like loud then this is for you.