need help fast!!!


New member
Jul 21, 2008
hey guys i have a friend that drives a 2000 ford f-250 she her problem is that the overdrive on/off light is constanly flashing and it will not quit even when the truck is turned off and back on again she is also now experienceing a grinding noise as well which concerns me that the truck is actually quickly going in and out of overdrive quickly frying somthing inside the transmission any advice/help would be greatly appriciated
Back when I had my 02 ford that started to happen to me when my tranny was starting to go out. Something is deff. going on in that tranny. My would slip real bad. Did she say if it was slipping at all?
haha i dont think she knows what that would feel like in a truck after all it is daddies haha it just makes her look good but that is probabaly what the grinding noise is
who cares..... is the truck good can always put a bag over her head. LOL
Highly possible that the Tranny is gone.

However there might be a issue with the clutch pack solenoid