New diesel drag event on michigan


New member
Jun 28, 2012
I'm putting on two drag racing events in michigan this year which will be held at a 1/8 mile track that was reopened last year after being closed for over 30 years. The races will be held on May 10 and August 16 in Onondaga michigan. We will be running a time index style racing with two qualifying races. There will be cash payouts through third place. This is the first year for these events and want to expand them each year. If you have any questions please feel free to ask and I will answer promptly.
I have one question, that I will post twice. Can you guess what that question might be?
Ok... Why did you have to post the same statement for your event twice?
I posted it in two different forum areas to maximize exposure... Why is that a issue????
I thought Onondaga was going out a 1/4 mile? Glad to see they are going to be friendly to diesels. Will try to get my truck ready for the August race.
Nope they are staying 1/8th mile need more land to make it 1/4 due to not having enough run off. The farmer won't sell them a small chunk so it's staying 1/8
I posted it in two different forum areas to maximize exposure... Why is that a issue????

Not really an issue, unless a moderator decides to make it an issue. For "maximized exposure," You are doing it completely wrong. All you need is to write a post in the right section, relative to what your message is. Now if you had links going to a website from here then it would be correct for "exposure." But, posting the same content on different sections is and should be considered as spam. Next time make sure the content is different, rather than cutting and pasting it.
May you all have a good event. I love up there!