2 hours ago
OSTPA had their state voting meeting today in Columbus and the big new is the 2.6 diesel 4x4 truck class was voted in for a new class on the OSTPA circuit starting in 2015. Get your trucks built and ready to go, its going to be lots of fun.
59 minutes ago
There will be a special meeting for all 2.6 diesel 4x4 truck pullers coming up on November 23rd sunday morning at 10:00 am at the Marriottt hotel in Columbus, Ohio. Take 71 south to 670 east to exit 9 on to Cassidy ave. This will be a meeting to bring you all up to speed on how OSTPA works and discuss rules. The OSTPA executive board will be there also to field any questions you may have. Please spread the word to all of your pulling buddies and hope to see you all there.