Over 30k new parts added to our site!


Apr 16, 2007
We are in the process of updating our site with over 30k new parts within the next few weeks! :rockwoot:At this time, we are putting them up without pictures, but should have pics added within the next week or so. Our goal is to have everything (well, mostly everything) up on the net by Thanksgiving.

I would like to personally Thank all of our customers for a great year! We are trying hard to make online shopping easier for you all. Have a look at some of the listings we have added so far. The left hand navigation column has been updated with "search by manufacturer" listings starting with A1 Technologies and down. We have added over 2400 items under AFE alone!

Cummins Performance Parts
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Thanks man. Lots more went up today. I just finished up K&N, now working on a few others. Some of the pics are messed up, but thats what you get with a bulk download. I'll touch it up later.