PLEASE HELP Fuel index? Truck won't rev


New member
Feb 7, 2014
Just did the 366 spring truck wouldn't start finally got it by turning in power screw it runs good but won't really rev it's super slow and I've tried like every index spot it don't change much just have to move screw each time for it to run please help
Try 10 to 4 like on a clock. Might be like 4 marks on the left and 2 on the right. Hadn't had mine apart for awhile. You didn't happen to break the lever on the inside of the pump when you put the top back on ?? Just my $.02. Thanks Steve B.
I don't think so I had fuel screw out when I put it on but I can pull it off and double check I had it off twice didn't notice anything broken
Two down from the top on the left marks (forward marks) and two from the bottom on the right marks (rear).
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Thank you all for your suggestions spring was twisted running like a top