problem repling with iphone


Can You Keep Up?
Feb 15, 2009
anyone else having trouble posting replies/messages with their phone, NOT using tapatalk? seams like every time im just about done typing and ready to send it, the internet resets and losses everything. im on verizon, using iphone 4s. kinda makes me wana drop kick a puppy when it happens...
Same thing happens to me every now and again. AT&T 4S. On a long post I tend to highlight and copy every now and again so I don't lose it all. Very frustrating. Must be a version or 4S thing because my 3GS didn't do it.
Same thing happens to me every now and again. AT&T 4S. On a long post I tend to highlight and copy every now and again so I don't lose it all. Very frustrating. Must be a version or 4S thing because my 3GS didn't do it.

Glad I'm not the only one, kinda frusterating!
I use tapatalk and it does it every once in a while. Ill type a huge message hit send and the app falls back to the main loading screen. Iphone 4g S learns to fly After that.

Posted via tapatalk from the International Space Station
My old 3g used to always do that to me, however it hasn't happened once with my 4s
I think it's a safari problem. I've had it happen to me while using safari, but never while using Tapa Talk?
Ive only had it happen with tapatalk

Posted via tapatalk from the International Space Station
Literally just did it, tapatalk verizon iphone 4gs

Posted via tapatalk if you know what i mean
My Motorola DroidX2 does the same. I tried tapatalk for awhile but recently I've been using the web browser because I simply like it better. I blame the problem on Verizon and their network!
Web browser is too small and at every page it tells me about the app.

Posted via tapatalk if you know what i mean
The only problem I have is that I will get on tapatalk after several hours of not being on and it shows there are no new posts
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It just did it, it actually recognized that it crashed and sent a report.

Posted via tapatalk if you know what i mean