PSD Engine Failures

Groovy Chick

Comp Diesel Sponsor
Mar 12, 2008
Hey all...

We've been asked many times for our opinion about miscellaneous engine failures, especially those relating to "windowed" blocks. After reading hundreds of posts on this subject, speaking to dozens of owners and manufacturers, reviewing carnage photos, and comparing countless files from damaged engines, we have a few theories. In fact, we've just finished writing a calibration simulator for the PSD that helps quickly identify just how significant a role tuning may or may not have had in relation to the failure.

In order to rule out isolated issues and identify any trends, we are conducting an independent survey of all 7.3L Power Stroke engine failures to see if there are any specific commonalities among the failures. The failures in questions will be specifically related to MODIFIED vehicles (i.e. Chips, Injectors, Turbos, HPOPs, etc.) and we would appreciate anyone who has suffered an engine failure of any type to please take a moment to fill out the survey. All NON-PERSONAL data collected will be made available for download to any individuals or companies that are interested.

A link to the survey can be found here: PSD Engine Failure Survey

If that link fails for any reason, you can also access the survey here: PSD Engine Failure Survey

I do want to take a moment and remind people to please be considerate and use this as an opportunity to get past the old issues and move forward in a positive fashion, NOT as a means of complaining about what damaged the engine. We've all read the posts and heard the arguments, but it really doesn't accomplish anything except getting a lot of tempers flared up. We may not all have to get along, but we are all striving for the same thing... making the Power Stroke a reliable source of performance.

We appreciate everyone taking the time to fill out the survey and hope that it will provide valuable information for all 7.3L Power Stroke Diesel owners and vendors, past, present and future.
Thanks, and thank you to those of you who've taken the time to fill it out! It's still early, but some trends are definitely emerging.
Bill is going to start working on a write-up regarding what caused so many engine failures over the past several years; however, you are still encouraged to fill in the survey if you have experienced this yourself! Please remember that we will not be providing your personal information to anyone else unless you give us permission. In fact, at this point, we don't foresee a reason to share it with anyone else -- period.

We are still trying to decide when and where Bill's analysis will appear. We certainly don't want to be accused of bashing anyone
when we're just supplying objective facts. As soon as we make a decision, we'll let everyone know where they can find it.

again to everyone who has taken the time to provide us with some much needed data!
Update from Bill:

Since returning from SEMA, Corey and I have both been out with the Flu. I'm back on my feet but Corey seems to have progressed into pneumonia. This has delayed releasing the results of the survey since I simply haven't had the time to compile the data.

I will be getting everything together this weekend and will be providing our findings with the affected vendors before releasing the data. Hopefully the data will provide insight and open up discussion as to where the problems lie and how we all can avoid failures in the future.

One thing I will say is that SOI (timing) clearly plays a crucial role in most of the failures. We been able to not only run calibrations through the AnalyTune software but now have the ability to live datalog the SOI values in the PCM and have seen SOI curves approaching 60 degrees in an actual running situation. Combine that with modified injectors and you significantly increase the chance for disaster. When you consider that the stock PCM is only running about 20-22 degrees of timing, there is no question as to what may be the most significant contributing factor in most (if not all) of the related engine failures.

Again, I am sorry for the delay in getting the information ready and really do appreciate everyone's involvement and contributions.

Please know that we are leaving the survey open indefinitely at this point. If you would like to participate, you're welcome -- and encouraged! -- to do so!

Take care.