Some vids from Tremonton, Ut 8-2-08

brandon, I met you but you probably dont remember me. but if you have my pull could you post it for me? I cant get my camera to work on my computer yet. I was the first silver dodge in the super street class (First puller). Joshua Smith. thanks
Josh, I didn't get your truck, I should start getting all you guys from Dominator since all your trucks run awesome. I will start videoing your as well.
looks like the track was a little dry lol nice pull guys
Once again I miss out on a local event :(

I've been wanting to take my boys to one but keep missing them. CRAP!

Is there a place these are listed? Summer is about over I'm afraid I'm going to miss them all.
thanks for postin up the vids brandon better late than never:poke:
thank you anyways Brandon. I have it I just cant get it on the computer.

The next pull I believe all of us from here are going to is the Utah DHRA event in Salt Lake at RMR on the 16th. Hope to see a good turn out like at Tremonton. There was 17 stock, 16 super street, and 5 mods. Pretty good for around here.