turbo exhaust housing size


New member
Feb 19, 2008
I'am looking into doing a turbo upgrade on my truck in the near future and not sure what route to go. it's 98% daily driven at sea level but in the summer there is some towing of our travel trailer in the 4000' range with what I have in my sig would I be better off with a 62/65/12 or 14 or would a 62/68/12 or 14 be better. I do not want to be watching the egt gauge on steep grades like I had to this year, there was tonnes of throttle left and not much room on the egt gauge.The towing weight of the trailer is around 7500 lbs. I was more worried that the 12cm housing would get to hot? opinions please. I did search the forums but came up with alot of 24 valve info. Thanks
go with the 12, ive tried the 14- a poor bandaid for overspooling. truck didnt fell as strong. this is driving/towing 5000- 9000 ft. lower elevation may be different.
62/65/12 would be fastest spooling, and probably the most fun from red light to red light, and light up better when towing.
62/68/12 maybe?

Just my opinion, as I've never ran either.
With 7500 lbs in tow, you're going to have to watch the EGT gauge on steep grades.

Twin turbos or pre-programmed water injection is the only way you won't have to watch the gauge, just a quick glance or two.
at sea level, the 14 will be great... you might wish you had the 12 at 4,000ft, but you should be able to drive around it.
well for the one trip a year that I would be doing up to that height with my trailer I think I will probably go with the 14cm housing.Now next question the 65 or 68 turbine wheel?