Turbo Suggestions


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Studded,EGR Delete,Tuned,Exhaust and intake, I dont have Injectors yet but will be getting 155's when I get the money. Tow and play. Seems Trusted cant be Trusted so I need some pointers if I may ask. F.Y.I will I need more support mods once Turbo is installed or before? Thank you.
Check out Elite Diesel or Innovative Diesel's website.

Call around to the different shops. Talk to dealers, IMHO, they will give you the best advice on turbos. They have no vested interest in whose turbo you buy. They will sell you anyones turbo they think is best for your truck. Ca;; more than one. When you call the turbo manufacturers you have to take anything they say with a grain of salt. Heck even me. You call me I'm not going to tell you to buy someone elses turbo.lol I will tell you to call one of my dealers mostly because they will make you deals I can't.

But do yourself a favor and do your homework and take notes.
I'm running an II 62/70 and aside from the crappy drain line, I love the turbo.
