two broken input shafts in few thousand miles


New member
Apr 19, 2012
I've went threw two billet input shafts in only a few thausand miles I do drag race it boost launch what ever beat it pretty good. I'm wondering I've never broken stock flex plate if it's causing the issue I've also went threw a few rearends but idk if it's just my abuse? Setup is in a 1500 short box 5.20 injectors. Goerend convertor. Some nitrous 66mm turbo Sun coast everything else. Hamilton cam. Stock flex plate hasn't broken haven't changed i@
That's why performance diesel shops can charge 5k for a transmission. In for the result.
When I pulled trans this time the converter looks like it scrapped a bolt on the pump for a quick second idk if that's pre or post break
What exactly happened when you broke them? Did they break on the line building boost or midway through a run etc?
One broke second gear as soon as I locked another broke 100 plus little bumpy on the street don't no if broke traction and caught. The last one had alot of hard driving on it but I figured its so light I should break anything
With a stock flexplate and depending on how the input fractured it can push the converter forward quite a bit as it broke and slipped. Not really surprised to hear that one of the bolts hit.

Whose shaft were you running?

It does sound like it could be abuse related. I'm assuming the transmission has quick clean shifts and no delay or hesitation in any gear change.
Yea everything is from Sun coast all shafts vb everything I made sure I put Sun coast flex plate in now. Not hesitation at all perfect shifts full manual vb from Sun coast. I went and had truck weighed ended up being 4300 with me in it
I think one was and one was 300m? Couldn't be for sure after I put the flex plate and new shaft in this time it doesn't bang so bad so I think it might have caused the break