VB(shift kit) questions


New member
Sep 28, 2009
Shall install a shift kit from DTT, as soon as i have solved the PCM issue on my truck.
When you do this operation, did you measure the pressure, and which pressure, before and after the install. Some good source to buy a kit to measure the pressure? Is there more things you recommend to replace at the same time, without dissasemble to much of the tranny? I shall ols replace the TC and flexplate. I have the atsg workshop manual for the tranny, and the factory manual for the truck, but is there some more good books to learn more about automatic trannys? Some special to think about during this operation, dont think the instructions are too informative. What type of ATF can you recommend.
Thank you
// nilsson
sounds like your in over your head drop the valve body and do it thats it atf +4 FLUID