Very, Very sad news. Loss of a good friend

ahh man, I hate to hear that. :( I was just talking to Eric at Innovative about him the other week. I was wondering what he had been up to since he had not been coming around to the events. That's very sad to hear. As others said, you never know. :(

Sorry to hear about Angel.

Hope everyone appreciates every day they have..... cause one day it'll be the last one.
Sad news, RIP.

When are people going to learn to look more than once and keep an eye out for bikes?
WOW i just saw this.was a super nice guy.prayers sent...
wow...what a loss. :(

I remember seeing videos of his Ford running mid/low 13's YEARS ago. Even back before youtube was big. It was pretty cool what he had accomplished with his truck back when diesel performance wasnt half what it is today. His 6.0 was the fastest ford for a long time, as I remember.

He will be missed. :(

Keep your head up Greg, sorry to hear about your friend. I'll have a good thought for you and his.