why is my boost reference line to AFC cover gone


New member
Feb 7, 2014
Just bought this truck and been tinkering a little and found this missing but seems to run fine? Looks like fuel pin has been turned please help
She smokes a bit and feels pretty stout but don't jnder stand how it can function with out it
Replace it. Then check the starwheel and preboost (smoke) screw. I've found having the smoke screw flush with the cover and starwheel about 1/2 way up makes for a nice driving setup.

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Where can I get the line/make my own it goes right under intake horn correct? I would have to be loosing power you would think
I had to make a barbed fitting for the afc top. I found the appropriate metric bolt, and turned the head down I to a single barb fitting. Into the head it is pipe thread so it's not hard to find a barbed 1/8" pipe fitting. I then rotated my afc top 180degrees and made a nice smooth loop with the appropriate hose. Simple and cheap.
Or just tap it for 1/8" NPT. Its real close in size to what's there. IIRC, I don't think I drilled mine out, just used the tap.
Is there a pipe plug in the cylinder head where the afc tube would thread into? I'm wondering if someone remove the afc lever on your pump, therefore, no need for an afc tube.
It's inside the pump top. On the whole 1/8" pipe tap thing, unless you have a really strong tap, the brass insert that is in the AFC top cover will have to be drilled out some. I've done several this way, used a bit a little smaller than the mid cut of the tap, and drilled to a depth of 3/8"-7/16". Also, use air brake type fittings, as there is a small inset that keeps the new tube from being crushed when tightening down the compression fitting nut, or use push in type fittings.