Search results

  1. Q

    Turbo choices these days for a 5.9CR

    I haven't been on here in years, but figured I would reach out to everyone for a little help choosing a new charger for my weekend driver/tow rig. The truck is an 05 NV5600 with a smarty jr on the 100hp setting. Have all the usual guages, 5" exhaust, dual disc etc. as well. I have no immediate...
  2. Q

    Surging off idle while coasting in N or clutch in

    New guy here with a very strange issue I've been trying to track down. While coasting to a stop my truck surges from idle to 900 or so, this is with the clutch depressed or in neutral, also only while brake peddle is depressed. I know these trucks are programed to idle up while coasting...