Search results

  1. swank

    Individual EGT readings

    Hey all, Just wondering if anyone has put six EGT probes in and if so, what the readings were? I am looking for data to either back up what I'm seeing, or data that says what I'm seeing is way off. Please let me know either through pm or here. Thanks! Dave
  2. swank

    300CD question

    Hi all. Anybody know what the thing inside the red circle is for? Is that a little pump to get fluid to the heater core or something? I'm looking for some coolant to share with the other round thing in there. Anyway, thanks in advance! Dave
  3. swank

    for student project, need ppump conversion

    hey all. looking for all parts to do a conversion from early 12v. pump just needs to be a core, but also needs to be a 180 or 215 pump. if you have anything, or know of anybody who has anything, PLEASE let me know. this is for a student project and crunchtime is in full effect. thanks dave
  4. swank

    the wannabe

    howdy folks. just stumbled onto this place. looks good. anybody else in idaho on here?