Search results

  1. M

    Buck's Race?

    Anybody planning on going to Buck's race on the 16th?
  2. M

    My most sincere apology!

    I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to everyone at the TS event on Saturday. Mike (hope it's correct) there is never a cause for anyone to be screamed at and cursed like I did to you after our race. I am quite ashamed of my behavior and I hope you can forgive me for acting that...
  3. M

    Pro Street Trucks at TS

    Think there will be a good field in the Pro Street class this year at TS?:hehe: I think it could be the largest field ever. Hope to get my truck going again and I hope my changes make it through tech. Meacham
  4. M

    Keating Shelley's Mom

    I just wanted to start a thread for Keating Shelley whose mom was just admitted to Hospice in Knoxville. She is an extremely sweet lady and I know Keating can use our prayers. He is an important part of the diesel drag racing scene and I thought maybe this would be the correct place for this...
  5. M

    Rear Coilover Shocks

    I'm trying to find someone who makes a good rear coilover shock setup for my 02 Dodge 4x4 Race truck. Any suggestions? Meacham Evins
  6. M

    Ether Spraying Classes Sign-up Sheet??

    Hey Ether Man, When are your Spring Ether spraying classes beginning? I'm gonna need a crash course (pardon the pun) to make the TS event. Do you have a favorite brand, scented or unscented? I need to learn these things for my compression is a might low. How many cases will I need for a...