01 auto transmission ground problem


New member
Jan 31, 2012
I have an 01 2500 Cummins with an ATS stage 1 transmission. I have had problems for about a year now with the torque converter not staying locked up and continuously kicking in and out like it is slipping. I have done my best to diagnose the problem and i think that i may have narrowed it down to be a ground problem, since it seems to stop for a week or so every time i clean the ground that is attached to the block. i eventually after cleaning this grounding spot several times decided to replace the entire ground cable and that seemed to fix the problem for about 3 weeks and then it was back to the same old stuff. i do not know where to go from here and was hoping that someone may know some sort of solution any ideas would be appreciated. thanks
I had the exact same problem but mine was the cable on the right battery had came lose from the end
Yeah the ground cables do seem to be causing it but since replacing both battery's ground cables and still having issues i am unsure of what do do? i thought of moving the cables mounting spots to different points on the block but have not done this yet, not sure if that would make any difference or not? Electrical issues are quite frustrating :bang
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Yeah it's definitely a pain. I didn't have a clue what was wrong with mine then I called Jeff garmon and told him what it was doin and he solved my problem in about 20 seconds on the phone. I'm not the smartest on transmissions at all so hopefully somebody will chime in and know what to do
Check the alternator output for .30 volts AC or more with a quality volt meter. It is the most common cause of the issue. We DO have fragile electronics on our trucks. Clean, slather with silicone di-electric grease (NAPA) ALL connections under the hood.
Check http://www.mopar1973man.com for articles on this same issue.
DO NOT use ANY filters or tin foil, as they are just maskinf the real issue & eventually, the AC voltage from the alternator will fry your ECM/PCM.
Also, on Cummindforum, there is a sticky on TC lock unlock.

Thanks for the info i am going to try and test my alternator this weekend and see what happens. My alternator does act a little funny when i first start the truck. It will charge up to about 14 volts and then it will stop and drop down to about 12 before it starts charging again. it does this for a minute or two until it warms up a little bit. and then it keeps a constant 13 app. volt charge on the gauge. The only reason i thought this wasn't a big problem is because when i put a new alternator on it did the same thing.
THat is the grid heaters cycling till you hit 15-20 MPH or the IAT is high enough. Usually, you want over 13VDC. 13.8-14.2 is considered normal.
Check out the article on the alternator at Mopar1973man's site. It explains in detail what you need to know.

Thanks again Ed i don't know how i haven't seen the Mopar1973man's site before, been working on Cummins's for a few years now but it is definitely a site that i will keep in my favorites from now on.