01 powerstroke, falls on its face.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
a guy called me and said that it just falls on its face when he accelerates and its really bad when it shifts into a higher gear. he said it smokes a little bit of white when he accelerates as well. i told him it sounds to me like it could be an injector or injectors. but with a 7.3, it is hard to tell with out seeing or running the truck. the expierience i have had with them is that when one thing goes wrong with em then they just act all crazy stupid and could be something way out of the ordinary that is causing it. the truck has no codes he said and no lights on in the dash. if ya could help me out, i would sure appreciate it.
I think he is selling his Nemisis. For eleventy billion dollars

No CEL. No dummy lights? Fuel issue maybe. Pre injectors
Need more info.

How much fuel is in the tank. Is the pump making lots of racket. what speed does it start to fall out. Im gonna guess around 50 55 ish
he is bringin the truck over tonight so i can look at it, and see whats goin on with it.
what brand? how much$$$$

Its an OTC Nemisys w/color screen I havent even had it a year. It sells for a little over $1400.- I paid $1200.- make me an offer(reasonable) I dont need 2 scanners.

Sorry, didnt mean to hijack the thread.

Without knowing more info it could also be speed sensor(rear axle) or the throttle pedal.
What else have you found out??
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yeah, actuallly it could. he still hasn't brought the truck over to my shop yet, must not be to worried about yet. but yeah cracked cups could cause that. thanks for the reminder.