03 high idle issue

Nowak's Diesel

New member
Jan 8, 2012
03 6 speed manual. Fire it up and it idles normal, touch the pedal barely and it will go into high idle mode. If I hold the brake down it will slowly return to a normal idle. It does this when normal running temperature. When driving and coming to a stop when I push in the clutch it will go into high idle. Leaning towards apps sensor possibly, it will lose the pedal when driving sometimes then come right back up within seconds. Motor is smooth. It has had injectors within 30k miles. My data log shows 0% throttle when it's high idling and the rail pressure is normal. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My dad has an early 04 with this same symptom. Doesn't do it all the time, just once in a while. Ambient temperature doesn't effect it, truck runs fine otherwise. It does however have a banks 6 gun tuner. Bone stock otherwise. We have tried completely removing the tuner and it would still do this.
I searched here and on Cummins forum for an answer.

We have just dealt with it honestly.
Have you tested the APPS?

go to timbo's website and there is a video
Have had same problem for years, was told ecm needs reflashed, haven't done it yet.