03 Power and MPG issue!


New England Texan
Mar 8, 2011
Since last spring my mileage has took a nose dive and I have lost power up top. When I'm at WOT and my truck shifts into 3rd my rail pressure will drop from 21,000 down to 18,000 psi. I'm thinking it has to be injectors on the return side but is there something else I can check before I send my F1's to Don m? This that have been checked or replaced: Pusher pump is at 24 psi at idle and at WOT will not drop below 21 psi. Replaced stock CP3 with 33% over pump. Also put in another CP3 pump with a bang of parts. Replaced PRV with TC 29,000 psi PRV Replaced Air filter with K&N high flow.

What gives me doubt about injectors is it starts up pretty good, idles fairly smooth with no smoke at idle. My worst mileage I have ever gotten was 18 mpg with winter fuel but I would average 19-20 most of the time hand calculated by topping off each tank. Now I am at 11-12 mpg.. and I lost power up top. Very frustrated..

Anything else I should be looking at? Rail pressure sensor or crank sensor??