04 blown head gasket now it wont start HELP!!


New member
Nov 29, 2012
I am posting for a friend.. he blew his head gasket on his 04.5..motor only has 10k on a fresh professional rebuild, truck is showing 250k.. after putting head back on and going for a start the truck was running sick..had a big time miss. tookvalve cover off and realized an injector had a broken electrical prong on the solenoid..purchased a new solenoid and now truck only turns over it will not fire,attempt to fire, nothing...shes dead.. following codes are showing using the 3 turn key method on ignition.


any help is greatly appreciated his truck is his life line and has been down over a week now

Didn't have money.cost him 8500 to rebuild the motor.he's got family issues and don't have the money...it was a head gasket..ya know..I don't know if they are tied together but that's how it happen..
Yeah..they are all over the place too..trans,intake heater,intake tamp,air temp,injector codes, there's nothing that points to just one thing..weird thing is it fired until he replaced the number 2,injector solenoid..now it just cranks over,no fire
Codes could be stored from doing the headgasket job and accidently turning the key on during the job. I would clear the codes and see what comes back, then watch rail pressure, I'm betting its a pressure loss due to crossover tubes.
From crossover tubes being installed wrong?? He didn't pull any injectors..so only connections broke should be between fuel rail and crossover tubes..unless that's what your saying?? How long should he vent?? I'm not familiar with CR motors
Also our buddy told him to disconnect both batteries,and touch positive to neg cables together for a few seconds to reset codes and computer..after that was done he put key in and did the 3turn thing and got all codes I listed in first post
That will not clear the codes. Also was the solinoid installed correctly? If your getting fuel to the cp3 I would double check the cross tube and lines.
That I don't know..he replaced the solenoid while it was,in the head...he said he was real careful but with those injectors I hear they are real finicky..he dropped the truck off at the shop that did the rebuild so guess we'll see..any idea how much it costs to get a set of injectors rebuild and refreshed..and who does quality work for reasonable costs?
Well just an update.the truck is up and running..3 problems found..the #2 injector wasn't firing right,one of the injector harness plugs was bad..and the oil pressure sensor went out..wouldn't read anything at all..the shop,said they replaced injector and harness and still would fire..cleared codes,found oil pressure switch was bad,replaced it and now she runs great again.

Just figured I'd finish off post with the results and good news.thanks all for pms,texts,and calls,it's much appreciated