04 Cummins


New member
Nov 10, 2010
So before I even ask my question I have looked through this entire forum with the search feature and read everything that I can find that is relevant to my problem. My boss has an 04 cummins with almost 236,000 miles on it. Back in March around 200,000 miles it was losing pedal over 2500rpms and it had always puffed some white smoke and come to find out the fuel filter looked like it had never been replaced(he took it to his brothers shop for maintence.) With a fresh fuel filter no more smoke and it was like a brand new truck. Here recently it started blowing with smoke constantly at idle rpms and as far as I can tell while driving smokes still. I checked the oil the other day and its not gaining oil but it looks thin and just doesnt look normal to me, made me think they didnt put the right oil in it last oil change. I havent noticed any loss in power we regularly pull around 8-10k trailer. The only reason I'm concerned is I might buy it off of him and I was wondering just what I might be getting myself into. I know it could be injectors etc... I just want to know best and worst case scenario for this problem. Thanks for the help and any advice you can give.
The best case solve problem before buying,worst case more then likely its injectors, generally buying used with many miles it hit and miss.
Much appreciated. I'd almost rather it not be fixed before hand though because Id prob go ahead and up the injectors slightly above stock if thats what it ends up being. I was just worried about it maybe being something much worse.