12v blow by


killing time
Dec 30, 2008
went to a after market tapet cover and now i push oil out of the breathers dose anyone know how to fix it i have 2 #10 lines on it with 45dg ends turned up thought about puting one on my front cover but not sur if its going to fix it i have a pull on friday trying to fix by then
A breather on the front cover will help. Do you have any valve cover breathers, I can't remember if you do or not, if not check out the one I have on Friday.
i just took a pcv from an old chevy and plumbed in between valve cover and into exhaust pipe so it help suck crankcase pressure out in to ex
none in the valve covers but im trying the one in the front cover tonight yea this thing pushes about 1 to 2 gal on a test run so need it to work for tomaro night thanks for the advice