12v into my 83 cutlass g body


Mar 27, 2009
hello all, any one have any experience or know of anyone that ever put or tried and failed to put a 12v into a g body car? like 82 to 88 cutlass/montie carlo? i have one that i am fixing up, (grandad gave it to me in his will) it has a old tired 3.8 olds in it that doesnt hardly run anymore, and id like to put a 12v in it with a 5 speed. if yall think its possible.... my thoughts were that it might be tight and all and might have to come out the hood with the exaust but if yall know if its been done and can be done let me know.. thanks. btw i have a 12v complete with a 2wd 5 speed hooked up behind it just sittin here, thats why i was wandering. plus it would be sweet one of a kind deal also. but if its just asking to much to put in such a small car please let me know so i dont cut up this car all for not.
You would be better off going with a D-max to power that car. The weight and height of that motor would make you build the entire front end of that car from scratch. With a lot of time and money i guess it could be done, look at the 12 valve powered vet. I have an 81 cutlass that I put a 455 in, and it makes that car nose heavy, and the air cleaner sticks through the hood, and that engine is lighter and shorter than a cummins.
yeah i used a tape and it would be high and tight, unless i reworked the crossmember under the pan it would stick out the top about 5 inches, also long ways would have to relocate the radiator and stuff forward about 4 inches. But yeah i think im gonna go with a built small block of some sort.