12v valve specifications??


gear head
Aug 3, 2006
Hi all

Anyone out there got a diagram or sheet with all of the various specifications or sizes, angles, etc for a stock 5.9 intake and exhaust valve

Ferrea can make me oversize valves for a very resonable cost but they want to know the starting point

All I could find was 8mm stem size and 1.77 intake size - which is too general

So I need over all length, groove dimensions, stock angles and valve face size, back cut etc etc

If i understand things correctly the Cummins uses a 30 degree valve angle?

Would a performance valve be better with say a 45 degree face

Its been a while since ive measured but I think the int. is around 1.76" and the exh. ~ 1.65" or so. The int. has a cut face of 30* and 45* for the exh.
Thanx Ryan for the efforts but I need much more specific than that to get custom ones made
send them stock valves???? how many angles are they going to be able to do on the valves?