13mm P-pump guys. Have you noticed...


Active member
Feb 26, 2008
Have any of you that are running a 13mm pump noticed that the difference in power between plate to the rear and plate forward is hardly noticeable? I like my pump alot, but it doesn't seem to fuel any harder with the plate forward.
Is the governor arm adjusted to where it is not getting stuck under the plate?
I noticed it with mine, but thought it was do to the injectors being maxed out.
I noticed it with mine, but thought it was do to the injectors being maxed out.

I was going to pm you and see if you had noticed this. I'm going to put the afc and plate that came with the pump when it was built back on and play with it. It is kind of crude and goes to full fuel at about 15psi so i didn't even try it. I was wondering if it could be injector related as well. My truck seems to make only a slight bit of extra power at the track with the plate almost to the front.According to the build sheet, there is almost 180cc difference plate to the rear and plate to the front. But that would probably depend on how the plate is ground. I was going to make a run with no plate to eliminate the possibility of the arm being the issue, but the rear freeaze plug blew out and put my truck up on the trailer. Ran 11.56 @ 120.6 with a 1.821 60ft. Only a slight haze going down the track.
Thank you for the info Glen, I will check that first.

I was going to pm you and see if you had noticed this. I'm going to put the afc and plate that came with the pump when it was built back on and play with it. It is kind of crude and goes to full fuel at about 15psi so i didn't even try it. I was wondering if it could be injector related as well. My truck seems to make only a slight bit of extra power at the track with the plate almost to the front.According to the build sheet, there is almost 180cc difference plate to the rear and plate to the front. But that would probably depend on how the plate is ground. I was going to make a run with no plate to eliminate the possibility of the arm being the issue, but the rear freeaze plug blew out and put my truck up on the trailer. Ran 11.56 @ 120.6 with a 1.821 60ft. Only a slight haze going down the track.
Thank you for the info Glen, I will check that first.


Ron, my pump probably came setup the same as yours, gutted afc and a zero plate. I have not tried running it like that either.
Ron, my pump probably came setup the same as yours, gutted afc and a zero plate. I have not tried running it like that either.
When I knock off for the day, I am going to take the plate out and see what happens. If it fuels harder, the question will be answered and I'll adjust the arm.
I just looked at my pumps' specs, mine has 460cc difference between full back and full forward. I would assume 180 should still be pretty noticeable.
I got a chance to play with it this evening. The afc it came with is alot different than the one I run on it. On the one it came with. the foot sits about .09 farther to the front at rest, and only travels about 1/2 as far. That's probably why i don't have alot of smoke on the bottom end with my plate and afc.The lever hits the plate well up above the bottom and is definitely not diving under it.With my plate and afc to the rear, it is about equal the plate 3/4 forward on the setup it came with. So the issue is either too small of injector, or I need a bigger pump. CDS can make a higher output 13mm pump, but i'm not sure how they go about it. I figured it would probably take a couple of tries to get this figured out. I'll try injectors first. If that doesn't do the trick, I'll go up on the pump output.
sounds like you've got a post-pump restriction (injectors, etc.)

did you get my PM? :D

Got it. Thank you.
You may be right. I've never been able to overfuel this thing. Maybe I'll get lucky with the next set of injectors.

Maybe you should try my pump. I can't seem to NOT overfuel my rig. Maybe the .093 lines and 10-hole injectors are what does me in.
I credit my lack of overfueling to the AFC setup. I had mine and the one that came on my 13mm pump on the test plate last night. I wish I could take credit for it. Jim Fulmer has explained it here before, and I took notes. With my afc to the rear I have to give it one full turn on the pre-boost to allow the lever to be far enough forward that the pump will go above idle. Set completly to the rear the arm will move forward of the fuel plate at it's front most setting(and then some).