1984 cummins 12v, c.a.v. pump (how to time it?)


Mar 27, 2009
alright weve got a 1984 cummins 12v on my boat and the injection pump is a C.A.V. PUMP, looks a lot like a VE but not quite. My shop manual doesnt tell me how to set up a new injection pump so it will be timed right with the engine. The pump is a new one but like a dumbass i didnt realise the pump was pinned at tdc and i loosened the timing pin and spun it. Well now i need to find tdc on the pump so it is lined up with tdc on the motor. Any help would be apreciated. Thank you.
If I remember correctly,the pump gear is with woodruff key and You need to knew correct letter from pump gear
The Lucas CAV DPA, DPS, Delphi DP210, Stanadyne DB4, and the Bosch® VE fuel injection pumps all have a provision for locking the pump shaft at a position corresponding to top dead center for cylinder Number 1. New and reconditioned fuel injection pumps must be received with the shafts located in this position.

CAV DPA/DPS Fuel Injection Pump Timing

Correct timing of the Lucas CAV DPA/DPS fuel injection pump can be verified by removing the inspection plate.

NOTE: Special equipment in an authorized shop is required to time the Lucas CAV DPA fuel injection pump precisely. However, for troubleshooting and in an emergency, visual alignment of the timing mark is close enough for the engine to run.
Both of these checks are described in the fuel injection pump replacement. Refer to Procedure 005-012 (Fuel Injection Pumps, In-Line) in Section 5.

Refer to Procedure 005-014 (Fuel Injection Pump, Rotary) in Section 5.

Refer to Procedure 005-013 (Fuel Injection Pump, In-Line, Spill Port Timing) in Section 5 for installation of the timing pin.
