1st and second gen parts!! cleaning out shop!!

dsl kicks gas

Runnin on Broke
Aug 13, 2007
first gen-
new (not rebuilt) injection pump 550
2 24v intake horns 50-shipped
new non IC injectors 200(make offer)
new IC injectors-200(make offer)
new tps for 91.5-93 -100
new ve piston lift pump-150
mopar/dodge cruise controle set up for 89 dodge its new in the box (dealer part), i was told that this will work on any 89-93 -100

also have some other first gen parts, fuel system parts, possibly another set of injectors, throttle linkage's, water pumps, stock h1c, and
94-98 12v
370 marine injectors need cleaned- 120
3k gsk- 70
new 60# valve springs- 80
ex manifold drilled for pyro-40
stock p pump injection lines-60
gear cover-150
new head bolts-80

98-02 24v
p pump front cover -150
tps/apps less than a year old-200
99 80hp(over stock) ecm-400
stainless intake horn-150
2 98-00 cam gear -100
2 98-00 timing case and vp pump gear- 50
2 stock vp lines-40
stock 24v valve cover-50
tips/nozels off bosch 275 rv- 80

can also call or text
812 595 6573
A new VE for $550? Give me some numbers off the pump, man. I'll have cash in a week- just sold my 1stGen (and have another waiting).

first gen-
new (not rebuilt) injection pump 550 -SOLD
2 24v intake horns 50-shipped
new non IC injectors 200(make offer)-shipped
new IC injectors-200(make offer)-shipped
new tps for 91.5-93 -100
new ve piston lift pump-150- 120
mopar/dodge cruise controle set up for 89 dodge its new in the box (dealer part), i was told that this will work on any 89-93 -100-pending

also have some other first gen parts, fuel system parts, possibly another set of injectors, throttle linkage's, water pumps, stock h1c, and
__________________________________________________ ____
94-98 12v
370 marine injectors need cleaned- 120-sold
3k gsk- 70-sold
new 60# valve springs- 80-pending
ex manifold drilled for pyro-40+shipping
stock p pump injection lines-60+shipping
gear cover-150-shipped
new head bolts-80-shipped

98-02 24v
p pump front cover -150-shipped
tps/apps less than a year old-200-shipped
99 80hp(over stock) ecm-400-shipped
stainless intake horn-150-shipped
2 98-00 cam gear -100-shipped
2 98-00 timing case and vp pump gear- 50-shipped
2 stock vp lines-40+shipping
stock 24v valve cover-50-
tips/nozels off bosch 275 rv- 80-shipped

can also call or text
812 595 6573