2.6 class rules

red dodge2

New member
Feb 12, 2008
Assuming PPL will be there again, we will be using same rules as last year? Also what will be hook fee be for non ppl members? looking forward to this again this year! cant wait!!
As far as I know the only rule change from last year is air shut off. I have heard different things though.
should be on ppl site. Im told same as last year. I was also told air shut off's i have mine here in shop. Just have to install it.
150 per vehicle, 150 per driver. I just dug my form out, i missed the early deadline too, that would have saved me 100!
what is the hook fee then if your a member vs a nonmember hook? i plan on going to prolly only 2 ppl hooks this year.
I think the one time hook is 80, i cant remember what members hooks are. 30 maybe? If your going to 2, the one time hook would be cheaper... if your a member 3 people get in free. You have to figure that too.