2001 47re Rebuild DD/Tow Rig


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I have an 01' 3500 2wd that had a Mopar rebuild transmission installed a couple years before I bought the truck from my uncle. It ran OK for the 3yrs I had it for a total of 5yrs life. It was just an intake/exhaust/Edge EZ for power and had a 5th wheel. Now I have Intake/Exhaust/Edge EZ/100hp inj (unsure of measurements)/Revmax stage3/Transgo TFOD/and lockup switch.

This lasted the last 2yrs I ran the transmission, until I had some line pressure issues which also brought in throttle valve buzzing, slipped the single disc, etc...

In addition it now is a majority tow rig, we bought a 2001 Northland 11' Camper weighs roughly 4000+lbs, and tow 16' flat bed with a wheeling rig on board. If I were to tow my 72' K20 Restomod my Gross would be roughly 25k. So compound the burnt single, addition of an Edge juice (mostly for added adjustability I don't hardly run lvls 4&5), and my new found heavy weight.... I deemed it is time to do a worthwhile rebuild. That is what follows.

The full rig, yes I know the dakota is not tied down.

I started with some research and pricing, here goes the new parts:

Stock style but made thicker with ARP bolts.

Precision Industries 300M billet input



Parts out and cleaned:

Intermediate servo Zero Leak vs. Stock:

Why I chose the Zero Leak:



I still need to order a Low/Reverse Servo

Pump gears checkout great and new pump bushing/seal installed:

Its progress... I also built the front clutch pack up to check tolerances with the new pack and billet input, no pics of that. More later when I do final assembly and have clearance checks to note.

STILL looking at planetary options, need to pull the trigger on that soon as my revmax parts will probably be here end of next week or so, running out of time!

New pump bushing and seal installed, missed the punch on the bushing at those 2 spots. need to get that tomorrow.

Billet input installed in the "front drum"

Here is the cleaned up case with the intermediate servo and accumulator installed.

I am wanting to order the superior Low/Reverse servo & Pin package. $49 shipped sound good?

Also going to try the 6gear aluminum planetary retrofit from WIT for the rear planet. Off to the local trans shop tomorrow to get some opinions on bushings and to replace them if need be, hopefully tomorrow can be a day of forward progress.
I also forgot to add the Raybestos/Borg clutches are what I am running from DTT it came with an aftermarket piston for the direct drum. I had ZERO signs of heat or slippage in the stock cluthes so hopefully this set should do the same or better with added clutches! I wish I hadn't rushed out and ordered that kit but its too late. live and learn, if I did it over again I would have pieced my own kit together differently just because I can.
Alright! So I purchased a 20ton Shop Press (I love it when a reason comes along to buy new tools). OD pack will be pulled apart tomorrow.

I ordered the following parts:
Reverse Drum - WIT
OD piston support - Transmission Parts USA
LOW sprag - Transmission Parts USA
OD sprag - Transmission Parts USA
Superior Low/Reverse servo - eBay seller
Rear 6 gear planet retro fit - eBay seller
Front 5 gear planet - Local Shop
OD 5 gear planet - Local Shop
Bushing kit - Local Shop
Bearing kit - Local Shop
Thrust washer kit - Local Shop

This transmission is a text book reason why mass quantity rebuilds are a shot in the dark whether it will last or not, I found poor condition hard parts that have ZERO supporting scars on parts around them, in the filter, or in the pan. Therefor I am lead to believe that they are past damaged but reused because its an O.K. part that will last long enough to make the warranty... (end rant)

I have really enjoyed learning the inside of this transmission and what the options are to rebuild them, talking with various people in the industry has been very fun. As of right now its just a waiting game to get the newly ordered parts in..
Nice build. I wish I new how to build trannys. Im not afraid to dive into an engine but the trans is a different story. Plus its a pain pulling them on a 4x4.
I also did the thinner steels and 1 more clutch upgrade to the OD/Direct, and 48re pressure plate in the OD/Brake to add 1 more clutch/steel. Cheap 20% upgrade since I had to order a ball bearing for the output shaft anyways...
For future reference, DTT master kit comes with the 10 clutch count for OD/Direct.

OD/Brake you just need 1 more stock steel 1 more clutch, and the 48re pressure plate
Superior Low/Reverse servo on Left, Stock on right:





Waiting on my rear overrun sprag, rear drum, OD piston support to show up so I can start assembling...

For those that are curious... I bought a 6gear aluminum housing rear planet retrofit:


Stock 4 gear rear:

6 Gear aftermarket:


6 Gear:
K, here is the stock flywheel vs. SFI rated stock style aftermarket


Here is stock thickness:

Here is SFI flywheel:

Not bad for 125$... :)

Main case is complete, I noticed the strut looks like it might fit better the other direction so I flipped it over from this pic.

Did a quick fix while I was making a small parts run... Its an Eaton bulkhead fitting for air lines. 3/8' NPT plug. Between Napa and lowes I have like 10 bucks into it.



The part that hangs out I can trim some off its threaded quite a ways in, and I have an NPT tap if need be. Waiting on the VB to show up to make sure it clears with no issues.

Teflon rings under the bolt head and grade 8 washer, I will probably do a dab of RTV around the threads and under the washers for insurance. Its a temp fix since I blew my budget with buying planetaries and a valvebody from RM I had to give up buying a high cap. oil pan for now. Maybe in the 1000miles I'll put one on.

Going backwards here for a second, here is a comparison of the OD brake reaction plate that allows 1 more clutch and 1 more steel. Here they are:


48re plate I bought from WIT:

Here she is in all her glory... It is standing on its face for tonight, I don't think that should be an issue.

I will need to get end play set tomorrow, adjust my bands, install all the little bits, and do my air tests. If my converter shows up (valvebody shows being a day behind even though they left same day) WAY TO GO UPS!!! :doh:. I plan to get the trans and converter mounted up so I can put the cooler lines back in and wait for my vb to show.

I am rambling, it is either late, I am super excited for my truck to run, or a combination of both...:hehe:
She lives!!! What a difference this combo of parts made! Between the VB, Converter, and servo upgrades... 1-3 is almost seemless, lockup at part throttle is smooth to say the least, and it has POWER. I am running at level 3 for now, so far I have about 40miles on it, going to head over to a buddies that should add another 45-50. VERY happy with the outcome, should have done it sooner. :evil

awesome work! I see a book in the pictures, would you mind sharing what manual you are using? Is it thurough? tia.
It is my 2001 FSM, comes in handy!!! Its two books that size, that one is for transmissions only lol