2005 - 2009 Throttle Pedals + connectors


MR. Supreme Overlord
Jul 31, 2006
I'm looking to buy 2005-2009 throttle pedals and connectors. I'd prefer if you had pictures to verify their condition. I'll buy connectors separately or connector pigtail/pedal assemblies. PM me how many you have and how much you need for them.
When did they switch from the narrow plug to the wide plug on the pedal?
2007? 2008?
I know there is a difference.

I didn't know they went to the smaller skinny connector until I was sent a pedal that had one. Looked at a 2011 and it had two plugs on it, so I figured 2010+ was different.

I'm building a few 2006 standalone harnesses for efilive and would like the 2" wide plug & pedal that's on the 2006 in-cab harness.