2006 auto trans DELAYED 1-2 shift


There's no love in diesel
Oct 11, 2008
My 2006 has a rebuilt auto trans with 20,000 miles. 1-2 shift is very delayed. Light throttle it won't shift until 25-2900 rpms. Any ideas?
It has been hunting for 1-2 since it's been built under idle/light throttle at 10-15mph any ideas?
Sounds very similar to what a friend had. His second gear band was broken. One of the welds snapped. Pull the pan and drop the VB. You should be able to see it very easily if that is the problem.
go to DTR..

there is an article on transmission shudder, DIY fix on the third gens... has a step by step fix for what you describe...

If its like a 1-2-1-2-1-2 under light throttle its probably the governor solenoid.

On my '05 it did it on colder days and under light throttle, I replaced the gov solendoid and adjusted the bands @ 70k miles and it shifted great after that, never had the problem again, new owner says its still great...

Some tell you to replace the gov pressure sensor too at the same time, I didnt and it was fine, but here is where I bought mine, best price I found...

do you have a shift enhanser?

Bingo.. Not every truck needs one, but about one in 3 of the 04.5+ trucks we do really benefits from a shift enhanser. Goerend and DTT sell them. You can also check out the TS Performance unit that has a dial instead of 3 settings like the Enhanser. Both do the trick nicely.
1-2-1-2-1-2 is still occuring

But under heavy/moderate accel it shifts into 2 then revs to 25-2900 abd then shifts to 3. Something isn't locking up. It as if in neutral after the 1-2 shift then gies into 3rd.

It's at the shop who built the trans now. I'll figure out what they say Monday. A upgraded VB is in order I belive.