2012 6.7 Larmie Trailer Brake Questions


New member
Jul 21, 2008
I posted this on the 6.7 tech area but thought i would try here as well
alright before this truck i have never owned a truck with a factory trailer brake controller.... the only problem i have with my trucks built in unit is that with the gain turned to 0.0 i lock up the tires on my 18ft enclosed trailer loaded or not... not usre if im doing something wrong or just missing something or what but to no suprise the dealer has " no idea and they've never heard of anything like this happening" go figure any help would be nice
I do notice that my factory controller works very different then the multiple aftermarket controllers I have used hauling the same trailers. On my aftermarket, I can turn them up where you feel the trailer pulling the truck back then turn them back down a hair. The factory controllers will never let the trailer drag me back. Even if its a light load and I turn the gain up all the way to 10. Weird. My guess is the factory controller senses how much brake you apply on the truck instead of G forces or a timer of how long the brakes are held (2 common ways aftermarket controllers work). I honestly do not know exactly how the factory unit works but I hope someone chimes in and teaches us both.

Just wanted to share my expierence with you that YES, the factory controller is "weird". Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't.

My trailer empty weights 6000lbs so I never lock up the tires anyways. So sorry I can not help with that part.
Good luck.