2nd Annual Jefferson State Diesel Nationals

had 2 beers when i was drinking at the drags around 7 o'clock, left the drags at 11:30, on the way home to girls rev'ed there engine then floored it at the light, so i wasnt goin to let them beat me, passed them and got up to 73 in a 45 and there was a cop as I rounded the corner on the other side.. he pulled me over and thought i was running from him cause i blew smoke around the corner and he thought it was me going off the road into the dirt, lol... so I got a ticket for Speeding and a minor under 21 with BAC above .01%.... my BAC when he gave me the breathalyzer was .0102, my luck, three ten thousandths off... but I knew the second cop that showed up and I ended up not getting a reckless driving ticket or minor in possession cause I had a cooler full of beer...Im getting a lawyer to fight it though... cause i at LEAST need a provision to drive to and from work...

That Was a good Move! Definatley something you should brag about...Not, your lucky you didnt get the dragstrip in trouble for having minors with alcohol on there property, and Do I recall you driving a mustang down the strip after drinking?? Nice job...:clap:
That Was a good Move! Definatley something you should brag about...Not, your lucky you didnt get the dragstrip in trouble for having minors with alcohol on there property, and Do I recall you driving a mustang down the strip after drinking?? Nice job...:clap:

2 hours after i drank a beer and a half, thats sad if someones thinking and vision is impaired from that... and I ran 0.3 than my buddy the whole night, and its his car, so i would say my shifting and coordination was fine... and the dragstrip could not get in trouble for that... I would, and I did later on, so unless you have advice or something positive to say then save it for someone who cares, and im not bragging just stating the facts, not proud of what i did...
5 Days and counting till the Diesels converge on Redding Dragstrip.

If everyone shows up that should this is going to be some great drag racing and sled pulling.

Pro Street should be a kick but class
Trenton Nell
Rob Coddens
Donavan Harris
Mark Rau
Harvy Grant
Brad Ponci
Dimitri Millard
Drake Swett

and of course the Dirty Max


I heard it might be a little cold and I should be bring a coat :hehe:
ya if you need a driver this year my girl can bring her sfi15 suit and helmet... ;)
Nope, I'll be there for sure this year, even if I have to drive down in my Jetta! I'm trying to talk my girlfriend into running this weekend too, I'd trailer my Jetta down to race in ET, and let her run my truck. Should be a fun event.

I may have asked this already in this thread, but is anyone staying at the track (assuming they allow camping there)?
Cool, looking forward to actually being able to hang out and party after a race instead of staying sober since it rained out and I need to be sharp the next morning ;)

Trying to talk the GF into running, but she's complaining about having to wear long pants. I need to find her a pair of light cotton pajama bottoms like I wear when ET racing. As someone who is otherwise in a 3-layer firesuit in the heat, I'm not as sympathetic as I could be ;)
ya ill be camping along with the left coast and total performance crews also.. it will be a good time. we are heading up on friday after work.. looking forward to it
ya ill be camping along with the left coast and total performance crews also.. it will be a good time. we are heading up on friday after work.. looking forward to it

Towing my truck up there with the gf's truck on friday. We'll be camping as well with our crew.
Looks like I may be doing an airbag install at the track after the races on Saturday! Looks like I will tow DirtyMax back to Portland for the next event, but not sure how my truck will like that heavy trailer with the camper on it. Ordered my airbags today, hopefully they arrive in time to take them with me.
Will got the pull truck motor in it’s a tight fit had to remove some fire wall but its looking like I might make it to Redding after all might get it fired up tomorrow talk about cutting it close I hope that everything works out on it hope to see everyone down there might roll up the late Friday night still need to put a new rear end in the F250 it went out again
Ill be at the track Friday evening with my trailer campin with buddys,goin to try sled pulling this year since I got a good tranny now! It is actually cloudy in anderson right now! So much better than 100 degrees when rigging a crane in
LOL, after all the rainouts this year we're actually praying for clouds!

It's going to be around 100° here, won't be fun weather for frame drilling to install my new Class V Super-Hitch, even worse while welding up my hitch extension!
LOL, after all the rainouts this year we're actually praying for clouds!

It's going to be around 100° here, won't be fun weather for frame drilling to install my new Class V Super-Hitch, even worse while welding up my hitch extension!

I have been welding the past 3 days in the sun, it sucksss, but hey, I'm makin money...
i think im bringing the turbo diesel golf cart again this year.. ill have diesel dog, diesel generator, diesel truck and diesel golf cart.. i love diesel..lol