2nd Gen 12V...Which Turbo?


New member
Jun 16, 2008
1995 12V 5 Speed, which turbo came stock? H1C or HX35?
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Yes, all H1C WH1C and HX35's have interchangeable ex. housings. and theres alot of different ones.

Give me a run down of your truck, whats done to it, and what you use it for and i can help you out.
94 came factory with a WH1C 12cm WG'd
95-00 Auto/Stick came with a HX35 12cm WG'd with a 8 blade compressor wheel
01-02 Stick came with a HX35 12cm WG'd with a 7 blade compressor wheel
01-02 Auto came with a HY35 9cm WG'd

All WH1C & HX35's can interchange exhaust housings are interchangeable/upgradable 14/16cm
I'm just experimenting with my current turbo setup and need a 12cm W/G housing for a HX35.

I have access to one from a '95 which is why I'm asking.
I had a 12cm housing on my H1c that also had the 60mm compressor upgrade. it had instant spool, but i was pushing it way to hard. at 42psi of boost, the back pressure was out of controll, after i added a small propane kit, the back pressure was so high it pushed the comp wheel into the housing. BUT i also had the waste gate locked shut. if you set the waste gate it is a decent cheap turbo.
Need to bring this back up to the top real quick. Are the WH1C's on the 2nd gens the same turbo as what was on the 1st gens. Just a different exhaust housing, or are they completely different? I was told the ones on the 2nd gens were comparable to a HX35.. This WH1C also came off a 95, which apparently isn't what they came with? I'm lost.....
Need to bring this back up to the top real quick. Are the WH1C's on the 2nd gens the same turbo as what was on the 1st gens. Just a different exhaust housing, or are they completely different? I was told the ones on the 2nd gens were comparable to a HX35.. This WH1C also came off a 95, which apparently isn't what they came with? I'm lost.....

The first gens had an H1C. Identical center section to the WH1C. The 'W' stands for wastegated. 1st gens did not have wastegated exhaust housings. Also, with the advent of the 12cm w/g housing, the compressor side got MWE slots to control surging at low RPM and high boost, a situation the 12cm housing tends to create, especially on manual tranny trucks.
Also H1C's are smaller wheel IIRC.

Atchley's 95 stick had a WH1C, I made 388 to the wheels at 1000* with it, not a bad charger.
I think it will be good enough to run then. He just wanted a cheap upgrade to his HY9.. Thanks guys.