2wd Super Mod build

i would say polish it. under the hood of a regular truck you can have to much polish but on a beast like yours i don't think you can go overboard
Yep! aluminum and polish........... wait a minute....... is it..... p o l i s h...??

ain't sure if your are Polish or polish........

you can never have too much shine on something such as this. If you could get an all aluminum block and head it would look great polished too lol. I'm surprised you didn't polish out every inch and corner of the injection pump too lol.
Are you bored Dale? Need something to keep you busy? It looks good the way it is but I'm sure it would look awesome polished as well.
Thank guy's I did start to polish the pump on the gov.didn't have time to finnish it.I still need to pol-ish the turbo's and the big peice of alluminum on the front of the frame after it get's ingraved with "GAMBLER" in it.I'm making side covers like we have on the 2wd selling them through MCS.for $160.00 your choice of sand finnished or mirrowerd finnish.and it has fitting for a vent tube come's with bolt's.
I am getting alittle borerd.I don't think Dan would let me polish the block he got tired of me polishing what ever I got my hand on.I know he want's me to get the ports done on the head.and polish the header.I have to start making some more cash so we can get the alluminum rear wheels they will be polished also.and I have to do the front.
Dont feel bad Dale I'm going a little stir crazy myself. Trying to find parts for the truck, work on it in the cold and find a house to buy is driving me nuts though.
That is alot to think about.it is hard to find a house (SHOP)that you would be happy in let alone the wife to be happy with the house. GOOD LUCK.I have been trying to find a electric furnace out of a mobile home for the garage mine bit the dust, to cold to work out there at the moment.don't like the smell of the propane burners..

Well dont have a wife and our shop is at my folks place so thats not a big deal. But yeah trying to find a house blows. I've been looking for a year now and cant find anything.
It is alway's nice to a shop at your own house though.I was in the same place you are.My dad couldn't get my stuf out of his place .
I would leave it red or paint it like the truk. Have the cards and poker chips on it with it tearing off look.
That would look sweet aswell. I know you have a name for it but since you like cards, I figured the name ALL IN would have been a good one.