300CD question


New member
Oct 15, 2006
Hi all. Anybody know what the thing inside the red circle is for? Is that a little pump to get fluid to the heater core or something? I'm looking for some coolant to share with the other round thing in there. Anyway, thanks in advance!



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Coolant pump for HVAC. If I was going to pull coolant I would do it on the inlet side of that the pump.
That turbo is far too big for your engine. All it will do is surge and kill its bearings if you enable the VGT function.

The only VNT's sized for your engine are the GT2056V up to the GT3063V. Anything bigger will just surge and spool worse than the stock turbo.
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Yes, somebody with personal experience in using that same turbo on the same engine.

Please grow up and stop acting like a school-age boy.
Yeah please grow up like 300D and go around trashing everyones posts. We've all seen his "personal experiance". I have yet to see proof he even owns a car but we know he owns a computer or at least he can use one before class starts or when his parents let him.

To recommend a turbo simply based on engine displacement is fairly "school-age". If you have enough fuel that turbo should be fine. There is no such thing as a perfect engine/turbo combination. You have to account for the fueling, timing and flow/pressures of the system to really determine the correct turbo. Otherwise every hotrod cummins would still be running an HX35 sized turbo.:hehe:
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Where in this thread was there a question about a turbo? Did I miss something?
Some moronic trolling.
farmertom, you are the last person on this forum qualified to talk about maturity.

I have yet to see proof he even owns a car
I have yet to see proof you are even human. For all we know you could be some chimpanzee in a zoo throwing feces at the keeper's keyboard.

To recommend a turbo simply based on engine displacement is fairly "school-age".
Thats just plain ignorant. Displacement is only one of several factors in determining the correct turbo.

If you have enough fuel that turbo should be fine.
Um, Mr. Turbomaster... What about the compressor side? Have you figured out what a "surge line" is yet? What directly affects surge on a compressor? (Flow and pressure). What directly affects compressor airflow and pressure ratio? (Right, engine displacement! {along with RPM, number of valves, number of cylinders and volumetric efficiency})

There is no such thing as a perfect engine/turbo combination.
Thats the entire point of developing VNT/VGT turbos.

Otherwise every hotrod cummins would still be running an HX35 sized turbo.
Many do. Ever heard of a compound turbo system? Most of them utilize the stock turbo.

Where in this thread was there a question about a turbo? Did I miss something?
See the picture attached to the first post.

The point is that an HE341Ve is far too big for an OM617 except the very top 3500-5000rpm operating range. Thats the only range I was able to get my HE341Ve out of surge. And if he is using an HE351Ve, there is no chance in hell it will work, period.
The only Holset turbos that will work for the OM617 are the HX25w, HX30, HX30w, HY30w, HE221w and the new HE221we. All of them can make 25+psi and flow all the air the engine can pass through it. The HX/HY35 and HE300 series are much too large for a 3.0L engine. Below 3500rpm they operate in the surge range and at maximum engine flow they aren't even into the compressor's efficiency island.
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See the picture attached to the first post.

The point is that an HE341Ve is far too big for an OM617 except the very top 3500-5000rpm operating range. Thats the only range I was able to get my HE341Ve out of surge. And if he is using an HE351Ve, there is no chance in hell it will work, period.
The only Holset turbos that will work for the OM617 are the HX25w, HX30, HX30w, HY30w, HE221w and the new HE221we. All of them can make 25+psi and flow all the air the engine can pass through it. The HX/HY35 and HE300 series are much too large for a 3.0L engine. Below 3500rpm they operate in the surge range and at maximum engine flow they aren't even into the compressor's efficiency island.

Yes, the picture attached to the first post has a firewall, motor, exhaust manifold, inner fender, windshield washer bottle, and a few other things, but the OP was not about any of those things. Swank made this nice little ms paint assist that CIRCLED what he was posting about. Until somebody asks for your opinion on an issue, don't phuckin give it.

You preach about how everybody should grow up. Maybe you should grow up as well and use the skills public school gave you, like reading comprehension. That seems to be a big problem you have in all of your threads. You can't comprehend that people would rather not have your opinion. But you as the thick-headed imbecile that you are, come back for more punishment. You remind me of the clown punching bag I had when I was a kid, no matter how hard you punched that damned thing it would pop right back up. The only thing is, I think the inflatable punching bag had more going on up stairs.


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Hey assbag, get your own fukking thread and quit sh!thing up this guy's. Last time I checked his question was not about his choice of turbo

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Until somebody asks for your opinion on an issue, don't phuckin give it.
Take your own advice and phuck off, nobody cares what you have to think since you have no knowledge of the vehicle in subject. :welcome:

You preach about how everybody should grow up.
So please do, stop crying in public.

Hey assbag, get your own fukking thread and quit sh!thing up this guy's

Thank you for helping me tell off Phooker. :cheer:
That turbo is HUGE! Do you have a map of that turbo's compressor? Will it even spool up without killing its thrust bearing?