

New member
Mar 17, 2007
i bought a tst3gsk a few months ago,well now i am gonna put it in.they say go from the top.any secrets i should know?do i really need calipers?or count the clicks?what does count the clicks mean?i read that somewhere.what about the shims?keep them or do away with them?thanks
I did mine from the top some people say do it from the bottom and it is less likely that you will drop something down in the pump. Put if you do it from the top have a good magnet like the one's that look like pull out antennas to help get things out and back in and take your time.

The Caliper is helpful to check were stock it and to reset but like on mine the stock were not the same so it did me no good to check I just reset to what the instructions I got describe but guys on here will know the click to go by.

The click is the nut that hold the spring on it drops in a groove as you spin it on and hence the click as it does this to hold the nut in place once it is set.

you will love the 3 gsk I liked it better then my 4 gsk it was snappier and more hold on to somthing then what my 4 gsk is if I knew how to get the best of both and have my 4gsk that would be sweet for street driving and track.