47re swapped into 2004


Not enough time
Jun 20, 2012
So I built a core 47re for my buddy and he thought he was swapping a 47 for a 47. This thing would never upshift 2-3 with a decent amount of throttle and would down shift 4-2 if you tried to pass. Come to find out he actually
Swapped a 47re in place of a 48. So we had both vb's on my
Bench and were comparing them. We rolled the dice and installed a 48 shift kit in the 48re vb and installed that into the 47re. Problem solved.

I can't figure out if the trucks computer didn't like the 47re since it had a 48
In it or if the 47re vb was put together wrong .

Any ideas ?

My payment for the bench build was the core tranny but now I have a early 48 and a 03 47re vb. I wanted to build a nice core to have ready to sell