47rh vb parts?


bombing addict.
Mar 31, 2008
I pulled the vb out of my transmission last night hoping to put a strut back on the first band, when i had the vb out and on the bench what looks like a ball bearing fell out of some where. Does anyone know where this goes back in?
thanks for the help
There are all sorts of BB in the VB. The one on the outside that I can think of is on the shifter detent. YOu might check there.
There are all sorts of BB in the VB. The one on the outside that I can think of is on the shifter detent. YOu might check there.

x2... The detent ball on the rooster comb could have popped out when you pulled it. That's the only ball that can come out without taking the VB apart.

BTW zstroken do I spy a friggin flame cone out of your stack?! which truck is that???
In the top of the picture above the white box there is the linkage post and you will see a bunch of notches in the flat metal piece, where when you turn the linkage it changes gear selection. There should be a ball in that hole that is spring loaded. Not sure how that came out unless you took the c clip of the top of the post rod.
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