Every truck is different. I'd say it would be a good tuning tool...if we could actually tune our trucks.
Yes and no, mostly maybe so.
From a hardware and software engineering perspective, not as much as you'd think (tho, it multiplies for each programmer you wanna capture data for).
Each year will have a different ECU SO/HO 03-04. 04.5. 05. 07. Slight variations of software and hardware in STOCK form. However that's only a handful of differences. I'm curious how different Marco's software is between 04.5 and 08 once a smarty is applied. Naturally the 03-04 software is different.
How different really is that ECU. Does an 08 have a faster CPU then 04.5?
So, theoretical command maximum output should be identical between same years trucks. Could be the same for same generation of software (03-04 vs 04.5-early06 vs late06-08)
I'm unclear on this part, but how does load get calculated? Is it rate of RPM increase and fueling necessary to do XYZ RPM "rev gain"? Intake temps, water temps, boost, etc ,etc ,etc. I'm sure play a role, most lilky manipulating the max timing and pulse width. so this is where I'd say yeah, each truck is differnet.
You then factor in injector nozzle, that'll load things up differently. Amount of pumps..
But one things remains the same, the max the software has to offer, how we can trigger that command with supporting hardware is a problem.
I see this tool for a shop to use to diagnose problems, but cant' you gather this data from the DRB tool?
Rich, if you can do EFILive like tool on the CR, then that will invalidate this tool even further.