5k GSK question...


New member
May 8, 2011
Installed 5k's in my truck Saturday night hoping to help lower rpm at highway speeds, which it definitely did. My question is when the factory springs were removed, the first spring came out with 5 clicks..the second came out with one click?? Im no expert but seemed kind of strange to me. We installed new springs the exact same way out of fear of possibley having a run away, truck fired right up and runs great but has a low idle. Should both springs have the same amount of clicks? What is recommended for 5ks? First time ive done a set and like I said im no expert. Any feedback much appreciated!
Wow, I think either Wade or Comp is gonna have to come in here and explain to me, how......changing governer springs can lower highway RPMs, which for years has been dictated by tire size, rear axle ratio, and transmission ratios.

I think this one has even Wade beat out....which I didnt think was even possible
Not sure what your getting at......but the 5ks most definitely did help lower rpm with highway driving.
I believe you misunderstand what im saying, I am well aware of the factors that determin RPM..what im saying is that with the GSK I no longer have the truck pegged at 2500rpm at 70mph on, the interstate, im not maxing out to sustain that speed.
If the truck ran 2500 at 70 mph before the spring change it runs 2500 at 70 now. RPM @ a given speed has not changed simply from swapping springs. Now about the other stuff, if it idles ok and fuels smoothly under full power to max RPM then the springs are set up fine. However the clicks indicate spring tension. What is fuel supply pressure set at?
Yeah I didn't mean rpm had changed, just meant I was no longer holding er to the mat to travel that speed. My mistake should have worded that different. Fuel supply pressure is roughly 40 I believe and its a 180 pump. Fuels smoothly. Is a lot more responsive. Seems to run great. Idle is a bit low tho. Just seemed strange to me one would be at 5 and the other 1. I was also looking at maybe bumping idle up a bit due to AC compressor pullin it down pretty low
Is it a hard start, need throttle? 400 RPM is way too low. I keep mine at 850 when hot. Starts with no throttle input. I'd even out the springs myself, but if its running fine, I suppose thats well enough.
Fires right up cold. Cranks longer when hot but doesn't require any pedal. Maybe turn the 1 click spring in and see??
You had to hold it to the floor to go 70? You must have some real low gears in that thing!