5R110W tranny pan updates


Pursuit Interceptor
Aug 26, 2006
Well I got the parts together for the ’08 tranny pan swap tackling the task this evening. I’m really glad to have found the drained fluid just as clean looking as the new fluid out the bottle. I didn’t find anything in the bottom of the pan that would have caused me great concern. The most shocking part was the plug magnet that has collected 104K miles of fine metal particles. I cleaned the magnet off and installed it on the new ’08 pan. I took the time to replace the smaller in-line by-pass filter in the front of the truck. After a short test ride to confirm no leaks or drivability concerns I’m glad she’s ready for another 100K plus of smooth shifting and hard pulling.








That stuff on the magnet is just sludge from normal clutch wear....nothing to worry about.
How often is often enough to service a 5R110? I like doing it every 30 or 35k. I have a buddy though that has gone 70k with out any service!
I just flushed mine at 82k. No idea if it was done before 52k when I bought it. What does the pan look like? Is it finned like the rear diff cover or deeper?
I have no idea. He was just asking me the other day how often to. He said the dealer did it at 30k and he was just wondering when he should again. Hes a little over 100k miles. He runs a race tune daily, and it seems to shifting and running fine.
Do you think flushing it after 70k would hurt anything? Ive heard bad things about flushing a tranny after the fluid has been in there a long time. Not sure why.
Ford VOIDED my trans warranty a few years ago after I had an issue. I provided them the service reciepts, one at 30K the next at 64K or something....they said I waited too long between changes.

Unfortunatly for Ford....they FIXED the trans (full rebuild) before telling me that then tried to get me to OK the repair on my dime. Naturally I could get it done for much less than Ford and they didn't have a leg to stand on when I went to pick up my "broke" truck.

I might have worked with them on it had they not fixed the truck 2 days after I dropped it off then kept it and lied to me for 2 weeks trying to get me to pay for it.
Do you think flushing it after 70k would hurt anything? Ive heard bad things about flushing a tranny after the fluid has been in there a long time. Not sure why.

I heard that too. I think it had something to do with the amount of metal in the fluid actually helped the parts grab and when you flushed it out it became slicker. I think it was a bunch of hype started by transmission repair shops hoping to get more business from people frying their transmissions. heh
Any pic's of new pan ,wish I would of known about this before just did fluid change.Thanks for the info
I'd prolly change the fluid. What color is the fluid? Does it smell like it should?
Havnt gotten that far. Just discussed it. I havnt seen him since posting. Do you think flush it also?
The pan isn't that different between the two. The '08 is a tad deeper to fit the new style in-pan filter.

The best part is I can get the filters and fluid doing all the work myself. I was considering doing this at 15k intervals but I got to do the math.