6.0 911


Difficult To Pronounce...
Sep 24, 2006
Hello All:

Just got off the phone with a guy who's 6.0 just died on him. He was pulling a trailer over a pass and was getting low on fuel. Went to take the off-ramp, got about half-way off the freeway, and the truck just flat died.

He says it did not stutter or miss, it shut off like someone turned the key.

He thought MAYBE he had run out of fuel, so he put about 5 gallons in the tank. The truck still wouldn't fire, so he checked to make sure he was getting fuel up to the engine. He is getting fuel all the way up.

He then tried shooting a little wd-40 into the intake to see if he could get anything. He says that the truck doesn't do a thing, no smoke, no choking.. it just cranks and cranks.

I asked if he noticed his oil pressure when it shut down. He says that he has good oil pressure, and the pressure shows when he is cranking. Truck has pleanty of oil.

He checked all of the electrical connections to make sure they are still connected and didn't work themselves loose.

Anything else I can suggest to him? He is stranded on the side of the road right now with a camp trailer.

Thanks in advance!
Does it sound like it's cranking over faster than normal? Seems like most of the time they just die like that it's a high pressure oil system issue. What year is the truck?
2005 is the year.

I have him checking the wires near the intake bolts to make sure they havn't worn through.

He says that the engine sounds completely normal. Doesn't sound like it is spinning faster or with less resistance.
05... Snap to Connect fitting more than likely let go. 250 cranking rpm won't overcome that leak. And thats usually how they die. Coming off the power the pressure level drops below a certain point and the fitting doesn't stay in place. Has he noticed extended cranks in the morning lately?
The wire chafing issue would only cause a single cylinder to drop out, not kill the entire engine. No aftermarket turbo timers or alarms on the truck. is it? Is the truck tuned? if so maybe try to flash it back to stock. Still going to suspect the HPOP, 05's def. have an issue with the snap-to-connect fitting on the HP pump.

Damb, Doug beat me to it LOL
I will find out.

Where exactly is that connection, and is there any way to check it on the side of the road?

Thanks again!
under the pump cover under the turbo. Def not a roadside check. Scanner would show no high pressure oil though
If you cranked it with a scanner on it. You would see ICP actual never make it to 500psi. And the IPR duty cycle would ramp up to 85% trying desperatly for every little bit of oil pressure it could get.
Well, he is on his way to the dealership.

It is an 05 with 73k miles, so hopefully this will end up being a warranty item for him.

Thank you all very much for the help!! Hopefully he can get the camp trailer off the road, get the truck fixed, and be on his way shortly!
Interesting one to me is that WD40 didn't make it cough or anything, unless he didn't spray it into the block and way far away from the engine.

But I'd venture HPOP fitting too. seems to be the money bet...

Good luck either way.